Teaching Jobs at Chenab College Jhang 2023


We announce the latest Chenab College Jobs 2023 for the positions of subject specialist lecturers. These Chenab College job ads are also advertised in the Daily Dawn newspaper dated: 19 September 2023.

How to Apply

  1. Candidates having M.A/M.Sc./BS (16 years education) in the relevant teaching subject with at least r division from a recognized University by HEC are eligible to apply. Teaching experience will be considered of renowned English medium institutions only.
  2. Age limit of the candidates is upto 40 years.
  3. Application forms and online deposit slips are available on NTS website nts.org.pk
  4. Application and Application Scrutiny Charges Rs.750/- (including Rs.150/- Department Charges) to be paid through 1 Link ‘Bill Participating Banks/ATM/Internet Banking/Mobile Banldng/Easy Paisa/Jan Cash/TCS Express Counters using 20 Digits Invoice numbers generated in your fee slip. Only 1 bill invoice payment will be
  5. Candidates are required to send two copies of their applications. One copy on the prescribed application form along with bank deposit slip (in original) and educational documents duly attested at National Testing Service, through courier/ Pakistan Post and the 2″ copy of application along with copy of educational papers will be sent to the address:(Office of Deputy Commissioner/Chairman, Jhang Educational Trust Jhang, District Jhang.


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