Lecturers (BPS-17) Jobs in Federal Govt Colleges (Cantt/ Garrison) 2024


Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantt / Garrison) has announced 150 Lecturers (BPS-17) Vacancies in FGEIs (C/G) 2024. These teaching jobs in FG Colleges are for males and females on a contract basis. The details are as follows:

Lecturers (BPS-17) Vacancies in FGEIs (C/G) 2024


There are 75 male lecturers and 75 female lecturer vacancies on a contract basis for various subjects in Federal Government Colleges. Initially, the Federal Government will recruit these teaching faculties on a contract basis for one year for these posts. The government will terminate the services of these lectures on arrival of the regular posts through FPSC.

Male Lecturers Jobs in FG Colleges


Sr. NoDescription of VacanciesDetails of Jobs
1Vacancy NameLecturer (Male)
2Basic Pay Scale NoBPS-17
3Minimum QualificationSecond Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s (16 years education) Degree or equivalent qualification in the relevant subject

Subject  Wise Detail

 (A) English= 18, (B) Computer Science= 15 (C) Urdu = 8 (D) Islamic Studies= 6 (E) Physics = 5 (F) Mathematics= 5 (G) Psychology= 6 (H) Chemistry= 3 (I) Pakistan Studies= 3 (J) Business Administration= 2 (K) Accounting= 2 (L) Finance= 2,

Number of vacancies


Domicile / Quota:

Open Merit= 5, Punjab (Merit = 35 & Mnorities / Non-Muslim = 2), Sindh (Rural) (Merit = 8 & Mnorities/ Non-Muslim = 1), Sindh (Urban) Merit= 5, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Merit = 8 & Mnorities / Non-Muslim = 1), Balochistan Merit = 4, Ex-FATA Merit= 3, GB Merit = 1 and AJK Merit = 2

Female Male Lecturers Jobs in FG Colleges

Sr. NoDescription of VacanciesDetails of Jobs
1Vacancy NameLecturer (Female)
2Basic Pay Scale NoBPS-17
3Minimum QualificationSecond Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s (16 years education) Degree or equivalent qualification in the relevant subject

Subject  Wise Detail

(A) English= 16, (B) Computer Science= 15 (C) Urdu = 9 (D) Islamic Studies= 6 (E) Physics = 6 (F) Mathematics= 4 (G) Psychology= 7 (H) Chemistry= 3 (I) Pakistan Studies= 3 (J) Business Administration= 2 (K) Accounting = 2 (L) Finance= 2

Number of vacancies


Domicile / Quota:

Open Merit = 6, Punjab Merit = 36 & Mnorities / Non-Muslim = 2), Sindh (Rural) Merit = 8, Sindh (Urban) Merit= 6, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Merit =8, Balochistan Merit = 5, Ex-FATA Merit= 2, GB Merit = 1 and AJK Merit = 1

The Department can appoint the candidates anywhere in Pakistan (Cantonments/ Garrisons).

Age Limit:


22-28 years plus five (5) years of general relaxation in the upper age limit.


Age Relaxation: The maximum age limit the department may relax to the extent as mentioned below however where a candidate is entitled to age relaxation under more than one category, he/ she shall be allowed age relaxation only in one category: –


  1. By 3 years in case of Candidate belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community, recognized Tribs of the Tribal Areas, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
  2. By 10 years (up to the age of 55 years) in case of government servants who have completed 2 years continuous Govt service on the closing date of receipt of applications.
  3. By 15 years in case of Candidate is Released or Retired Officers/ Personnel of the Armed Forces of Pakistan or the number of years served in the Armed Forces of Pakistan (whichever is less)
  4. By 5 years in case of Widow/ Widower or Son/ Daughter of a deceased civil servant who died during service (On or after 01-07-2005) (Subject to provision of Department office order/ Notification of death at the time of Interview).
  5. The age and academic qualification of the candidates shall be determined on the closing date of applications. Candidate must possess educational qualifications and must be within the age limits mentioned in the advertisement with effect from the closing date of receipt of applications i.e. 03 April 2024.


Terms and Conditions


  1. The Department will terminate the contract appointment on completion of two years or the arrival of a permanent incumbent recommended by FPSC (whichever is earlier).
  2. The candidates after selection must render an affidavit on stamp paper that they will not file any appeal for regularization in any court of law.
  3. According to Government policy, shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview based on a written test or grading (as deemed appropriate by FGEI (C/G) Date)
  4. The Department will conduct written tests at Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Karachi, and Quetta Cantts.
  5. Shortlisted candidates must produce original documents (The date of declaration of the result must be mentioned on the mark sheet/ transcript) at the time of the interview. In case, any of the documents is found fake or bogus at any stage, the candidature of the particular candidate will stand canceled. Even in case of his/ her selection, such fake documents whenever found, will lead to appropriate disciplinary action/ criminal proceedings against such person.


More T&Cs


  1. Govt servants must produce fresh No Objection Certificate / Departmental Permission Certificate from their department at the time of interview.
  2. Dismissed/ removed employees of any organization or having criminal records are not eligible for employment in FGEI.
  3. Candidates whose final results have been announced after the closing date of the advertisement are not eligible to apply.
  4. FGEI (C/G) reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies after advertisement on a need basis.
  5. Incomplete application forms in any respect or received through registered after the closing date or received through courier shall not be entertained.
  6. Test/result intimation slips shall not be sent through postal / courier services. Candidates are advised to visit the website (induction.fgei-cg.gov.pk) regularly. They keep their cell numbers operational for information about tests/interviews.
  7. The candidates coming for test /interview will not get any TA/DA.


Procedure to Apply


  1. Visit our website fgei-cg.gov.pk. Fill up the online application form.
  2. For further information, please contact on 051-9292847 within Working Days/ Timing (Monday to Friday; 9 AM to 4 PM).
  3. In case of any query, please send a query to official Website



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