Notification Omitting Rule 17-A from Appointment Rules Punjab


Government of the Punjab Services and General Administration Department (Regulations Wing) issued a Notification on 24-07-2024 in connection with Omitting Rule 17-A from Appointment Rules Punjab. The details are as follows:

Omitting Rule 17-A from Appointment Rules Punjab

No.SOR-III(S&GAD)2-60/2024. In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 (VIII of 1974), the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following amendment to the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974, with immediate effect:-


In the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974, Rule 17-A shall be omitted.


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