Result of written part of CSS Competitive Examination, 2023 is hereby announced.
List of qualified candidates, subject to Rule 11 (20) of CSS Competitive Examination Rules, 2019
and other related prerequisites/ requirements specified under said rules is given as under:

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Salient features of CSS Competitive Examination-2023 are as under:-
Candidates Applied : 28024
Candidates Appeared : 13008
Candidates Passed in Written Exam : 398
Pass Percentage w.r.t Appeared Candidates : 3.06 %
Result of rejected candidates shall remain withheld as per Rule 16 (6) of CSS
Competitive Examination Rules, 2019. The detail of such candidates can be viewed at FPSC’s website link.
Eligible candidates who have qualified the written examination, will be intimated
about the schedule of Medical Examination, Psychological Assessment and Viva Voce in due
course of time. They are advised to stay informed by visiting FPSC website regularly.
5. Due care has been taken to ensure accuracy and correctness. However, the
Commission reserves the rights to rectify any error/omission etc. at any time

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